We’re Viki and Amy, and our greatest passion is putting your horse’s needs and health first.
At ‘2-Tomatoes’ we aim to educate and empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to become your horse’s advocate and better facilitate their healing, recovery, wellbeing, health and happiness. With our approach, methods, modalities and experiences gained from decades training, studying, educating and understanding the equine, your horse will lead their own path to recovery and integration whilst you learn to listen to what their true needs / requirements are.
We believe that by truly listening to our horses, we can effect the greatest change for our equine partners. Horses live in the moment, so we know that to be the most effective advocates we must meet them where they are at, in the ‘NOW’, not where we, or anyone else perceives they should be. The horse’s voice is the most important one on any journey you take with them, so although it’s important to have a plan, at 2-Tomatoes, we always advise on it being organic and dynamic – for the good of the horse.
Through a mixture of ‘Equine Behaviour Analysis’, ‘Craniosacral Therapy’, ‘Acupressure’, ‘Kinesiology’, ‘Frequency Healing’, 'Osteopathic Techniques', and our unique ‘Intuitive Coaching’, we will guide you through a process of truly listening to your horse, bettering you as an individual and a partner, so that you can fully support your horse’s journey, whether it be through recovery, or to elevate health and performance.
You can access our training videos and podcasts through our Rumble account:-https://rumble.com/user/2Tomatoes
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View articles written by Viki here under the Articles tab at the top of this page.
View articles written by Amy via www.horseandriderhealing.com
Why the name???
‘2-Tomatoes’ is a partnership born from a soul connection unlike any other. We both met in California several years ago when studying ‘Integrated Equine Therapies' with Tom Mayes, and became the best of friends; the only hampered difficulty being Amy lives in Texas and Viki, central France. During our training, there were a number of occasions where we shared much laughter, whilst trying to figure out what the other was saying, due to the difference in dialect and pronunciation, especially with the word ‘Tomato’; Viki say’s “tom-ah-toe”, Amy “tom-ay-toe”; ultimately these became our personal nicknames for each other and when contemplatig our venture / partnership name, it had to be ‘2-Tomatoes’!
Amy lives in East Texas, thriving on ranch living and enjoying God’s creation. Learn more about her and her horse healing journeys at: www.horseandriderhealing.com
Viki lives in central France on her smallholding, surrounded by nature; a dedicated lifelong student of the horse; guided by the divine creator. Learn more about her and the skills she has to offer at: