Ayurvedic Herbs
from Ron Fields Nutrition
What are Ayurvedic Herbs?
Avurvedic Herbs are the herbs used in Ayurveda, which is an ancient Indian healing system that revolves around balancing the mind, body, and environment. This approach to healing is based upon the prevention of illness. It is equally successful in changing a system in crisis, providing symptomatic relief to the sufferer - the systemic functions can then be maintained in harmony, thereby assisting in the prevention of future illness.
When working with Ayurvedic Herbs, it is important to be certain that the herbs come from a clean and reputable source, as many are found to be contaminated with high levels of toxic heavy metals, particularly those herbs associated with detoxification!!! That is why I am excited to be stocking (in France) a fantastic range of carefully sourced, healing and balancing herbs from Ron Fields Nutrition.
Learn more about the herbal blends available below - click an item in the list to jump to the relevant section:-
Remount - (Health & Liver Tonic)
Gut Restart - (Liver & Gut Detox)
Elastin - (Joint Aid / Lameness)
EM.S21 - (Metabolic Conditions)
Pre-ULC - (Chronic / Severe Ulcers)
Ulc30Ex Plus - (Chronic / Severe Ulcers)
Routine ULC - (Gut Maintenance / Ulcers)
Neutra-20 - (Excess Acid / Ulcers)
Para-EXzit7 - (Intestinal Parasites)
Feathermite Spray - (Does what it says on the bottle!)
A super all round general health and liver tonic
REMOUNT stimulates the liver to help regenerate damaged tissue and restore liver functions including bile secretions and metabolising enzyme production.
The ingredients in Remount work together to prevent damage from drugs, chemicals and food toxins. This will improve metabolism and digestion. This leads to improved performance, movement and a bloom in health, seen by a sparkle, shiny coat and a bright eye. Your horse will be happier in himself, calmer and enjoy life more.
Click here for further details about Remount.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
An effective gut clear out and detoxifier
GUT RESTART is used to improve the digestive workings of the intestines through detoxification.
Toxins in the gut can result from undigested foods which remain in the gut, putrefy and ferment, e.g. from the consumption of large amounts of cereals or a carbohydrate overload from spring grass. The digestive process becomes sluggish and such foods stay in the intestine for longer periods. In Ayurveda this principle is known as AAM DOSH. Toxins resulting from this process interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food and change the gut bacteria to those which favour acidic conditions. Toxins can also pass through the gut into the bloodstream and lymphatic systems, preventing them from working properly. Health issues can subsequently occur, e.g. skin disorders, liver problems, muscular problems, laminitis, metabolic disruptions or colic. The toxins can also block energy flow within the non-physical channels, which can lead to emotional issues.
Click here for further details about Gut Restart.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
An organic, natural joint supplement
ELASTIN is an assembly of untransformed plant materials, which has been shown to rebalance osteoblast and osteoclast populations, thereby improving joint mobility.
RFN herbs are specially selected for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and, as such, they are very helpful in the healing process for many conditions, including (but not limited to) arthritis, ligament damage, tendon damage, stifle issues, lameness, ringbone, sidebone, navicular and for general joint, ligament and tendon maintenance.
They also help maintain normal mobility after hard exercise or competition and maintain good immunity.
Elastin is an organic product and works in harmony with the body without stressing internal organs. You will see an improvement in mobility, flexibility, soundness and performance. Your horse will be brighter and more willing and happier to be exercised.
Click here for further details about Elastin.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
An effective natural calmer
SILENT4 is a natural powder supplement to encourage calm and relaxed behaviour. Silent 4 can be given to any age and type of horse or pony from those racing, in competitions, retired or just for leisure.
Horses can experience stress from a variety of factors including environmental, domestic and social. Stress can cause behavioural and health issues if not addressed.
Stress produces an increase in corticosteroids. Corticosteroids have an adverse effect on the horse’s immune system, impacting on their behaviour, training and performance.
Click here for further details about Silent4.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
A natural supplement to help hormonal mares
MARE21 is a mix of powdered Ayurvedic herbs and salts, which is suitable for any female horse or pony who experiences physical or emotional problems during their seasons.
Mares tend to come into season every 18 to 23 days, although many mares do not have regular seasons or their seasons can vary in intensity or duration. This can affect their performance as well as their mood, which in turn may prevent them being ridden or competed during this time.
Mare 21 can be given to adult mares after their first season and from then on.
Any adult mare can benefit from this product from those racing, in competitions or simply being ridden for pleasure, right through to the retiree.
This product does not contain any banned substances by the FEI or British Racing.
Click here for further details about Mare21.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
A natural aid for obese equines
EM.S12 is an unique combination of Ayurvedic herbs, and is an effective aid for symptoms associated with obesity in equines.
The combination of herbs included in this powder work together to boost metabolism, which can aid in weight loss. They will reduce inflammation associated with increased adipose tissue. It will also increase insulin sensitivity, helping to regulate blood sugar levels and help to reduce the risk of laminitis.
This product does not contain any banned substances by the FEI or British Racing. Ideal for any horse, pony, mule or donkey at any age.
Click here for further details about EM.S12.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
A powerful healer for chronic / severe ulcers
PRE-ULC powder is a totally unique and very effective product. It contains a range of Ayurvedic herbs & minerals which work synergistically together to heal ulcers.
It heals both gastric and hind gut ulcers and results will be noticed very quickly.
A healthy functioning gut is essential for the health and well being of your horse and pony. Use for horses and ponies that show severe symptoms and for those that have tried all other treatments unsuccessfully. Symptoms of ulcers can be subtle or severe. They can result in physical or emotional difficulties, which can make handling or riding your horse difficult or even dangerous.
Currently there is nothing like it for equines on the market today. It will change the lives of many horses and ponies that suffer so much with ulcers.
More information about ulcers can be found on the RFN Equine Ulcer factsheet.
Click here for further details about Pre-ULC Powder.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
A powerful healer for chronic / severe ulcers
ULC30EX PLUS is an effective herbal powder that targets and heals both foregut and hindgut ulcers. Results are noticeable after a short period. The supplement can also be used to prevent ulcers when necessary.
Symptoms of ulcers can be subtle or severe. They can result in physical or emotional difficulties, which can make handling or riding your horse difficult or even dangerous.
Ulc30Ex PLUS maintains the normal function of the fore gut and hind gut. It will alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort and relieve inflammation. It will heal all types of ulcers and assist in preventing them. As a result, the herbs will help relieve muscle soreness, improve appetite and digestion. It will help the horse feel well again and in turn reduce moodiness and irritability. Your horse will be happier in himself and enjoy training and riding again.
More information about ulcers can be found on the RFN Equine Ulcer factsheet.
Click here for further details about Ulc30Ex PLUS.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
Maintains daily good gut health
ROUTINE is an unique powder which can be used to ensure daily good gut health in horses and ponies. Designed by scientists in India, our Routine product contains a range of Ayurvedic herbs carefully formulated to work with each other for superb results. This supplement is for horses that have mild or very subtle symptoms of gut discomfort, and as a preventative to help defend against bigger issues from occurring. A healthy functioning gut is essential for the health and well being of your horse and pony. Potential sources of problems in the gut include changes in sugar/carbohydrate levels in grass, cereal rich feeds, stress, lack of pasture/turnout, wormers, NSAIDs (e.g. bute), antibiotics.
Routine maintains the normal function of the fore gut and hind gut. It will alleviate gastro-intestinal discomfort and relieve inflammation. It will heal damaged guts and assist in preventing further issues. As a result, the herbs will help relieve muscle soreness, improve appetite and digestion. It will help the horse feel well again and in turn reduce moodiness and irritability.
More information about ulcers can be found on the RFN Equine Ulcer factsheet.
Click here for further details about Routine ULC.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
For horses sensitive to excess acid
NEUTRA-20 powder is an exciting new product, exclusive to Ron Fields Nutrition.
It contains a range of Ayurvedic herbs & minerals which work synergistically together to prevent acid damaging the gut. Use for both gastric and hind intestinal issues. Results will be noticed very quickly.
Use with horses and ponies that have already used the Pre-Ulc powder and are now using Ulc30Ex PLUS or Routine ULC for maintenance to prevent any issues from reoccurring.
Neutra-20 prevents acid splash from damaging the lining of the upper stomach and helps damaged areas to heal. It will help prevent issues from reoccurring. It also helps to heal hind gut damage from acidosis. Your horse will quickly become calmer and more comfortable. Moodiness will disappear and they will appear much happier.
More information about ulcers can be found on the RFN Equine Ulcer factsheet.
Click here for further details about Neutra-20.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
NB 50-30
An effective relief for coughs
NB 50-30 is an effective Ayurvedic herbal liquid that relieves coughs. Results are noticeable after a short period of use.
Healthy horses very rarely cough, so if your horse has a cough then you need to investigate the cause. Horses cough for a variety of reasons including allergies (e.g. dust, pollen), asthma, viruses, infections or from hard exercise.
NB50-30 was originally developed for racehorses that got Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage from racing or hard training. However, it was soon discovered that it could help with all manner of coughs in equines.
Your horse may have a dry or wet cough and may or may not produce mucus from their nostrils, depending on the cause of the cough. NB50-30 is designed to help ease inflammation in the respiratory tract, help ease breathing difficulties, ease congestion and get rid of mucus, boost immunity to help fight infections and relieve symptoms caused by allergies.
Did you Know? - Ron Fields Nutrition supplied this to the trainer of a racehorse, Animal Kingdom, and he romped home to win the most prestigious race in the world – the Dubai Gold Cup.
Click here for further details about NB 50-30.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
An effective natural solution for intestinal parasites in equines
PARA-EXZIT7 is an unique combination of Ayurvedic herbs, providing an effective solution for all intestinal parasites in horses. Para-EXzit7 will effectively reduce the levels of the majority of parasites that inhibit the gut. Use as part of your worm management programme.
The combination of herbs included in the powder work together to create an environment in the gut that is inhospitable to the parasites. It will prevent the parasites from hatching and multiplying.
This product does not contain any banned substances by the FEI or British Racing. Ideal for any horse, pony, mule or donkey at any age.
Click here for further details about Para-EXzit7.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
Effective relief from feather mites
FEATHERMITE SPRAY is a light clear spray, containing natural ingredients, which act quickly against mites. Feather mites (also known as heel mange) can be a very distressing condition caused by Chorioptes mites. In affected animals, not only will the adult mite be present, but also eggs and developing larvae. Eggs take approximately two weeks to develop into adults. As the mites live on the skin and sometimes burrow into the skin, it consequently makes horses extremely itchy. Affected horses will constantly stamp, bite, or rub the back of the fetlock or pasterns. It mostly occurs in horses and ponies that have feathered legs such as Fresians, cobs and draught horses.
Feathermite Spray will clear adult feather mites, whilst soothing irritation and help heal sores.
This spray will also work with fungal and bacterial conditions such as ringworm.
Click here for further details about Feathermite Spray.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.
Joint aid & respiratory health
BOSWELLIA is an herb which has been demonstrated to naturally settle the horse’s respiratory mechanisms / responses by reducing the production of leukotrienes (chemical responses which can cause compression of the bronchi, in the lower airways). For this reason it has been found to be very helpful in the management of respiratory disorders including asthma and COPD.
In addition, it is effective in offering an anti-swelling action by mediating enzymes which create this inflammation, which makes it a great feed time addition for supporting joints and mobility.
For any queries or to order, please contact me.